
Prepare Your Child to Thrive in the Rapidly Evolving World

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Prepare Your Child to Thrive in the Rapidly Evolving World

We live in a time when the world is rapidly evolving, and technological advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and other innovations present exciting possibilities. To thrive and be successful in such a dynamic landscape, one requires the right skill sets and mindsets, such as resilience, adaptability, collaboration skills, and the love and curiosity to learn, all of which should be cultivated from a young age. Rae Lang, Elementary Principal of Stamford American School Hong Kong, emphasizes the importance of this approach to raising a future-ready generation.

Stamford American School adopts a well-rounded, inquiry-based learning approach, integrating social and emotional learning into the rigorous American curriculum. Lang explains, “Our counselors collaborate with teachers to incorporate social-emotional learning into everyday classes. The important conversations about emotions, conflicts, and self-management are held during dedicated lessons and also serve as a fundamental aspect of how we teach and learn.”

Rae Lang says, “We believe that happy, eager-to-learn students experience the most success.”

Instilling Essential Skillsets through Project-based Learning

Active listening is always essential in the learning process. In addition to this crucial skill, the ability to ask questions plays an equally important role in both learning and managing unforeseen risks. “By creating an environment that values curiosity and encourages students to ask questions and seek answers, students develop a deeper understanding of the subjects they engage with, they become more self-reliant and better prepared to navigate the challenges of our ever-changing world,” Lang explains. 

Grade 3 students shared their projects with parents and guests during the Stamford STEMinn Showcase.

Lang continues, “Projects are great in developing these life skills and work wonderfully in demonstrating the skills! Take our Grade 3 Eco City project as an example. During the daily STEMinn class, our students were engaged in lively discussions and inquiries about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a class, they collaborated, designed, created, and presented their ideal city to address their chosen SDGs! This exciting growth and learning was possible by teachers, who created a safe conversation space, encouraged individual research, promoted collaborative activities, and offered guidance. Through the process, students were empowered to be critical thinkers and develop a sense of ownership in their learning, ultimately becoming active advocates for positive change.” 

Nurturing Emotional Resilience and Adaptability

Studies have shown a rise in symptoms of anxiety and depression following the return to school after the pandemic. In such times, it is more crucial than ever to help students identify, manage and self-regulate their emotions. Lang emphasizes, “We believe that happy, eager-to-learn students experience the most success. Creating a supportive and safe environment where students can freely express their emotions empowers them to navigate challenges effectively. Children who feel emotionally secure can focus on their studies, engage with their peers, and thrive academically.”

 Each year, Stamford organizes International Week to cultivate global citizenship, open to engaging positively with other cultures and help build a fairer and safer world for everyone.
Academics alone cannot prepare your child to ride the tide of change. The recipe for future success? A curious mind that never stops learning, a courageous heart that welcomes changes and challenges, an open mind that understands and embraces technological advancements and draws meanings across disciplines, and a balanced individual connected to themselves and the world around them. Invest in your child’s future by giving them the means to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Join Stamford’s March Open Day on March 16 (Saturday). Experience and learn how the personalized approach nurtures the whole child while establishing a rock-solid academic foundation. 


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