
The cost of healthy eating in Singapore

Eating a healthy diet has a similar compound effect to saving and investing. You would likely not see the results immediately but give it time and you will feel the “dividends” of more energy and a fitter body to carry you through life. 

Right before a new year comes along, many of us almost subconsciously gravitate towards a goal-setting mindset to improve our current state. 

Whether it’s to save more money, acquire a dream purchase, or climb a mountain, it is almost guaranteed that high on that list is to lose a few pounds. 

There’s no escaping the irony that this usually happens before an imminent bout of festive feasting. Then again, being mindful of making healthy food choices has always been essential to good health. 

From the addictive sweet-savouriness of bak kwa to buttery flaky pineapple tarts and an assortment of cookies that lined the coffee tables of almost every house visiting.

It’s safe to say Chinese New Year can present temptations if you’re trying to be more health-conscious. 

Looking to make a lifestyle change? Let’s take a look at how much it will cost you.  


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